Finding the Balance Between Saving Money and Quality Design and DevelopmentJanuary 30th, 2013 0 CommentThese days, especially in these tough financial times and with the economic downturn, everyone is trying to make their dollar stretch and get the most bang for their buck for their business needs. For design and development, business owners usually turn to cheap labor to attempt to cut costs. This can include such options as outsourcing and even a growing trend that many people are beginning to explore is crowd sourcing to find designers and developers. As we all know, you get what you pay for and this usually always applies to design and development work. However, for many bootstrapped businesses who want an online presence, this is the only avenue they can turn to when trying to save money. Business owners need websites designed and built, and in turn, websites are nothing without logos and graphics. The key is to find the middle ground between what they can afford and getting the best possible quality work. That's done by deciding how much is the most they're willing to pay for something, is it worth the investment, and getting the best possible talent and result they can get from their money. Will this really nice logo increase my conversion rates or maybe something OK looking can fly for now, just as long as it's not an eyesore. Businesses can then splurge on the nice logo and user interface design later as they build their brand. They need to consider their options on where to invest their money and how it will effect their bottom line and these services give them more options. |
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